
Next Level: Your Guide to Kicking Ass, Feeling Great, and Crushing Goals

This book is a comprehensive, physiology-based guide to peak performance for active women approaching or experiencing menopause—from the author of Roar, renowned exercise and nutrition scientist Dr. Stacy Sims

Menopause doesn’t have to be the end of you kicking ass at the gym, on the trail, in the saddle, or wherever you work out. Once you understand your physiology, you can work with it—not against it—to optimize your performance. That’s where Stacy Sims, PhD comes in. In Next Level, you’ll learn the underlying causes of menopause: the hormonal changes that are causing all the symptoms you’re feeling, and their impact on your wellness and performance. Then, what you really came for—what to do about it. Inside you’ll find science-backed advice about training, nutrition, sleep and recovery and supplements, as well as sample exercise routines, meal plans, macronutrient planning charts, and case studies from real women Stacy has coached through the transition. It’s the ultimate guide to navigating the Next Level.  

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Product Details/Features:

Dr. Stacy Sims, MSc, PHD, is aforward-thinking Stanford-based exercise physiologist and nutrition scientistwho aims to revolutionize exercise nutrition and performance, especially forwomen. She is also the co-founder and chief research officer of OSMO Nutrition,a sports nutrition company that develops products that work with the body'ssystems to optimize athletic performance. Dr. Sims is in high demand in thesports nutrition, performance, and active women's universe for her “Women AreNot Small Men” lectures and is a regular featured speaker at professional andacademic conferences, including those by USOC and USA Cycling. 

•          Publisher: RodaleBooks (May 17, 2022)

•          Publication date:May 17, 2022

•          Language: English

•          Print length: 319pages

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